Quiz Championship Name Email What is the function of the comparators in the 555 timer circuit? to compare the input voltages to the external voltage divider to compare the output voltages to the external voltage divider to compare the input voltages to the internal voltage divider to compare the output voltages to the internal voltage divider None How many buses are connected as part of the 8085A microprocessor? 2 3 5 8 None The software used to drive microprocessor-based systems is called firmware machine language code BASIC interpreter instructions assembly language None What is the pulse width of the output of a 74123 if an external 4.7-k resistor and a 0.022-F capacitor are used? 290 ms 29 ms 33.3 us 290 us None Convert the fractional decimal number 6.75 to binary. 0111.1100 0110.1010 0110.1100 0110.0110 None Any number with an exponent of zero is equal to zero one that number ten None The range of voltages between VL(max) and VH(min) are ________. unknown unnecessary unacceptable between 2 V and 5 V None When a capacitor charges? the capacitor charges to the source voltage in 5×RC seconds the voltage across the plates rises exponentially the circuit current falls exponentially all of the above None To obtain a 50% duty cycle in an astable 555 timer circuit tLO = tHI RA = RB and short RB with a diode during the capacitor charging cycle capacitor voltage must rise above 1/3 VCC tLO = tHI, RA = RB, and short RB with a diode during the capacitor charging cycle None The 8085A is a(n) 8-bit parallel CPU 16-bit parallel CPU 8-bit serial CPU none of the above None Time's up