Welcome to your Logic Gates

If a signal passing through a gate is inhibited by sending a HIGH into one of the inputs, and the output is LOW, the gate is a(n)

If a signal passing through a gate is inhibited by sending a low into one of the inputs, and the output is HIGH, the gate is a(n)

The logic gate that will have HIGH or "1" at its output when any one of its inputs is HIGH is a(n)

How many NAND circuits are contained in a 7400 NAND IC?

Exclusive-OR (XOR) logic gates can be constructed from what other logic gates?

How many truth table entries are necessary for a four-input circuit?

A NAND gate has

What input values will cause an AND logic gate to produce a HIGH output?

What will the out of not gate if one of the input is 1?

A single transistor can be used to build which of the following digital logic gates?